Laser Hair Removal Prices | Skin Perfection

Laser Hair Removal Prices

Laser Face And Body Hair Removal

All new patients must book in for a laser hair removal consultation and a test patch for each area required before any treatment may commence. If a patient has not had a treatment for 6 months or more the patient must be re-consented and re- test patched.

Facial Areas – Please note facial areas treatment interval roughly every 4-6 weeks and body areas every 6-8 weeks as a minimum = 4 weeks.


(Terms and Conditions apply)

AreaSingle treatment
(as pay as you go)
Course of 8 - Save 40%Course of 6 - Save 30%Course of 3 - Save 10%
Top lip
Nose or Nostrils
Between the Brows
Top lip & Chin
Sides of Face
Navel line
Feet & Toes
Hands & Fingers
Half face or Beard
Half Neck(front or back)
Half Face & Neck
Full Face
Full Neck
ANY Bikini
Half Arms
Shoulders Blades
Half Back(upper or lower)
Lower Legs
Full Arms
Upper Legs£164£787£689£443
Full Legs
Full Back
Notes *December only. Terms & conditions apply.

Laser hair removal - Upper & Lower Body Packages
AreaSingle treatment
(as pay as you go)
Course of 8 - Save 40% Course of 6 - Save 30%Course of 3 - Save 10%
Lower Body Packages
Any Bikini + 1 medium area
(any 1 of underarms, navel or peri-anal)
Any Bikini + 2 medium areas
(any 2 of underarms, navel, peri-anal)
Any Bikini + 3 medium areas (underarms, navel & per-anal)£169£811£710£456
Buttocks & Peri-anal£169£811£710
Upper Body PackagesSingle treatment
(as pay as you go)
Course of 8 - Save 40% Course of 6 - Save 30%Course of 3 - Save 10%
Chest & Abdomen£209£1,003£878£564
Full Back & Shoulders£209£1,003£878£564
Full Back, Shoulders & Upper Arms£249£1,195£1,046£672
Full Back, Shoulders, Full Arms & Underarms£269£1,291£1,130£726
Full Back & Shoulders + Chest & Abdomen£309£1,483£1,298£834
*December only. Terms & conditions apply.
Standard bikini: two fingers-width either side of panty line (i.e. a simple tidy up)
Extended bikini (Brazilian): a higher bikini, four fingers-width out to the sides and two fingers off from the top, to neaten up the strip (but we leave a four-finger strip in the middle either as landing strip or upside down triangle - whichever you prefer).
Full bikini (Hollywood): less than a four finger strip or everything off from the top down to labia including the labia and to the bottom.
Please note if you need the Perianal treatment, this is charged separately but may be added on to any package.
Treatment interval: laser body hair removal treatment is usually repeated every 6 to 8 weeks (with 4 weeks being the minimum interval period).If it has been more than 6 months since your last laser hair removal treatment, you will need to arrange a new consultation appointment and test patch. This is for your comfort and safety, and to help us choose the most effective treatment for you.

Laser hair removal - Half Body Packages
AreaSingle treatment
(pay as you go)
Course of 8 - Save 50% Course of 6 - Save 50% Course of 3 - Save 50%
Half body with lower legs, any bikini + 1 medium area£199£796£597£298.50
Half body with full legs, any bikini + 1 medium area£219£876£657£328.50
Upper Half Body ( incl Full Back, Shoulders, Chest, Abdomen, Full arms, Underarms)£319£1,276£957£478.50
*December only. Terms & conditions apply.

AreaSingle treatment
(as pay as you go)
Course of 8 - Save 50% Course of 6 - Save 50%Course of 3 - Save 50%
Full body excluding face (full legs, full arms, underarms, any bikini, peri-anal and navel line)£329£1,316£987£493.50
Full body including face (face, half legs, half arms, any bikini, underarms, peri-anal and navel line)£329£1,316£987£493.50
Full Body Deluxe ( full legs, full arms, bikini ( any), peri-anal, underarms, navel & face)£389£1,556£1,167£583.50
Ultimate Full Body
(face, neck, full legs, full arms, underarms, bikini, peri-anal, buttocks, chest, abdomen, full back, shoulders)
*December only. Terms & conditions apply.
Treatment interval: laser body hair removal treatment is usually repeated every 6 to 8 weeks (with 4 weeks being the minimum interval period).If it has been more than 6 months since your last laser hair removal treatment, you will need to arrange a new consultation appointment and test patch. This is for your comfort and safety, and to help us choose the most effective treatment for you.

Body Areas – Standard Bikini = X2 fingers either side of panty line a simple tidy up.
Extended Bikini = a higher bikini, four fingers out to sides and two fingers off from top to neaten up the strip, but we leave a four finger strip in the middle whether it is a landing strip or an upside down triangle – which ever the patient prefers.
Full Bikini = less than a four finger strip or everything off from the top down to labias including the labia and to the bottom.
Please note if the patient requires their Peri-anal treated- this is charged separately but may be added onto any package.


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Skin Perfection Ltd

21-22 Great Castle Street,
4th Floor,

Tel: 020 7629 4116
WhatsApp: 447591420257